RVDFI: A RISC-V Architecture with Security Enforcement by High Performance Complete Data-Flow Integrity


With the rapid revolution of open-source hardware, RISC-V architecture has been prevalent in both academic research and industrial developments. Due to the increasing threats of information leakage, it is imperative to provide a secure RISC-V ecosystem to defend against malicious software exploits. Toward this goal, data-flow integrity (DFI) is employed as a strict security policy for enforcing the legitimacy of each data access, thereby filtering out most of the attack exploits. However, due to the intensive computations needed by DFI, there are only limited proposals successfully implementing partial DFI with low performance overhead. Moreover, all the previous studies failed to enforce the complete DFI policy in a real hardware platform, while trading off security strength for performance efficiency. To provide RISC-V architecture with high security enforcement and low performance overhead, we leverage the open-source Rocket Chip and propose RVDFI, the first complete DFI implementation based on RISC-V architecture with only 17.8% performance overhead on average and 3.9% in minimum, incurring much less performance loss compared to the 166.3% overhead caused by previous complete DFI implementation.

IEEE Transactions on Computers